Friday, November 30, 2007

Best Day Ever!

Hello All!

Can I just tell you that Wednesday of this week was the best day ever! I was observed for the second time in my placement, and I recieved a perfect 5! Yea for me!

The lesson i was teaching was a fourth grade lesson, on pop art. The students are asked to draw themselves from a mirror making a silly face, and then tracing over it with marker. Then, just like pop art, they are to make copies of them by tracing it! So they will have four good tracings. After the repitition part is over we will discuss complimentary colors and how they pop! And they will color their faces in compliments and mount the four images together.

Then-- if my perfect 5 wasnt enough, i was teaching my kindergarteners how to make an acordian fold book. we were working on the harold and the purple crayon lesson and this was the third time teaching it ( i have 4 kindergartens) and this group was able to accordian fold! it was great!!!!

thats all for today!

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